Keri - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


Since my kick ass coaching session with our wonderful Kerry Hales the other night I have:

  • got super clear on my income goal,
  • got super clear on the work I need to focus on and what to refer on,
  • changed the way I record my biz income,
  • closed my sales page on my therapy website,
  • made an action plan for leaving my part time job,
  • drafted my resignation letter ready to hand in,
  • listed the things I need to do before I resign


  • created a draft of my future schedule.

I’ve also…

  • referred on 3 non-ideal clients this week
  • spoken to two people about potential website work for later this year!

Am on a roll now, thanks Kerry. If you haven’t had a session with her yet, you really should asap, she rocks!

Keri Dawn Williams


I feel happier in my own skin, feel a new respect and confidence in my skill set...


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Working with Kerry is like the brutal honesty of your daughter peering through a magnifying glass at...


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I didn't just get to declutter - I got to understand several of the deep & hidden...


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If you are looking for someone to be in your corner no matter what, Kerry is the...

Sarah P

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