Kerry Hales - Life Coach | What do you want to create?
What do you want to create

Let's get started

What is a transformational coach?

I’d like to take you on a journey. Let’s start here: what do you really want from life? What do you want to create?

I’m Kerry, a life coach (transformational) with almost 20 years' experience in helping people to uplevel their lives and achieve their dreams. Let me tell you how a life coach can help you. What you need is a declutter and a refocus and I’ll make sure you get it. With my innovative programme, DeKluttered ® I’ll help you to grab your dreams with both hands and shift the mindsets, stories and beliefs that are holding you back. For good.

Let’s see what you’re really capable of – and have some fun along the way.

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This is your life. Now is the time to live it – YOUR way.
Let's chat about how I can help you to achieve what you really want.

What my clients say...

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