Rebecca - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me


I feel happier in my own skin, feel a new respect and confidence in my skill set and am often told I look well and seem happier.

I can’t recommend her enough. Shift The Shit has helped me to declutter my mind and my home, and to let go of feelings or belief systems that were holding me back from achieving my goals. It’s also a lot of fun!


Kerry is everything you need and everything you would wish a life coach to be...


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The two hour motivational (Shift the Shit)  call got rather emotional then something shifted within me.  I...


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It's quick, it's dirty and it WORKS. If you get the opportunity to work with this woman,...


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Concrete results... I see my children Change in attitude and outlook Leaving the corporate world Complete change...


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