Kate – Mastermind - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me

Kate – Mastermind

“I started to work with Kerry when I knew I was ready for a change. I had the beginnings of my own business and still working full time in a salaried job. I knew I needed to make the jump but I didn’t have the self-belief that I could do it and be successful. Working with Kerry and connecting with the other amazing women on the Mastermind provided the perfect no-bullshit, nowhere-to-hide environment to challenge myself and seek the support of others in the group and being able to workshop out dilemmas and decisions in a safe, secure and supporting way. A couple of months after I completed the Mastermind, I took the leap and handed in my notice. I’ve been working full time in my business ever since and things are flying. Hands down, Kerry provided me with the confidence to take that next step.

So if you are looking for a coach that will hold you 100% accountable, even when you are resistant to the change you know must happen for the sake of living a much more fulfilled life, then Kerry is the coach for you. She’ll ask you the difficult questions and keep going until you’re all out of excuses and ready to face up to the challenge of being the best you can be. There is not time to waste – start working with Kerry today!”

Kate Ryan

Food Writer, Food Tours & Events

Kate Ryan

I feel happier in my own skin, feel a new respect and confidence in my skill set...


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Working with Kerry is like the brutal honesty of your daughter peering through a magnifying glass at...


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I didn't just get to declutter - I got to understand several of the deep & hidden...


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If you are looking for someone to be in your corner no matter what, Kerry is the...

Sarah P

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