About - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
Kerry Hales

About Me


 I live by the sea with my two sons, two dogs and two cats. What can I say, I love symmetry. For as long as I can remember, I’ve chased vitality. I chase life. I like to be brave and curious and I encourage my clients to do the same. To date, I’ve coached for over 1000 hours and I've loved every minute of it.


I’m not your average coach. Yes I like to inform and transform, but most importantly, we’re going to have fun exploring who you are and what you really want. My pet hate is waste. Plastic, packaging, food… human potential. Through my years of expertise and studying psychology and emotional intelligence, I’ve learned to help people to live their life to the full. No holds barred, no inhibitions, no bulls*t. 

My straight-up approach and love of laughter has culminated in a magic formula that my clients thrive on. But it doesn’t stop there. In 2020 I founded The Shift System® to change people’s lives. It’s based on my ability to decipher the complexity of every client’s path and then help them to shift the mindset, beliefs and stories that are holding them back from what they really want to do. This forceful system brings clarity, confidence and a renewed sense of fun to lives.

Academic Background

A degree (BSc. Hons) in Psychology and Communication was just the beginning of my love for the mind. I’ve always been fascinated by the way people behave the way they do. After becoming a Prince2 Project & Change Manager for the NHS, I studied successfully to become a ‘Professional Certified Coach’ with the International Coaching Academy (‘Accredited Coach Programme’ by International Coaching Federation.). It was during this time that I worked with Dr Mick MacKenzie in MacKenzie International Consulting. Mick had a profound impact on my life and the way I coach. I invested in three 30-Day Peak Performance Trainings with him – a comprehensive training in understanding human emotions and getting the ‘peak’ from individuals and teams.

I worked with Mick for over 10 years and it changed everything for me. We looked at emotional intelligence and actualisation, the dismantling of characters and then reconnecting them. I still coach this way today. Sometimes it’s about asking that uncomfortable question and facing the avoidance head-on.

I work with smart women (and some men) who want to make a change and be held accountable for it. And I’m never afraid to ask those uncomfortable questions.

What’s working and what’s not working? We can start there.


Read what people create from working with me

I feel inspired and energised with a renewed sense of focus, clarity and even the beginnings of believing that I am capable of achieving things in my life again. I don’t want the course to end! 


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I am feeling a sense of inner peace and I’m becoming more focused on creating the life and future that I want.  I now realise that I am my own expert, but the insight and support from both Kerry and other group members is proving invaluable…


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So after 6 months, I actually love myself and don’t feel selfish for it. My family have seen the difference, it’s a work in progress, but I’m excited to go forward now rather than analyse too much of the past. Everyone has it in them to be great, Kerry just helps you find it.


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So if you are looking for a coach that will hold you 100% accountable, even when you are resistant to the change you know must happen for the sake of living a much more fulfilled life, then Kerry is the coach for you.

Kate – Mastermind

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