Five Things That Set YOU Apart From Everyone Else - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Five Things That Set YOU Apart From Everyone Else

April 20, 2012

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Comments: 4 Comments


I know it’s a bit of a cheat to quote Oprah, she is now such a powerful icon but she does stand up for who she is – do you?

The purpose of today’s post is for you to get a better feel for what makes you, you.  Imagine how long it has taken Oprah to be able to say those words ‘This is who I am’ – what does that mean for you?

Who are you?  What are the bits of you that make you, you. Not who you think you have to be for others to like you more, love you more, want to hang out with you more, treat you better, smile at you, even want to be your friend.  Just you being you and enjoying who you are.

As Your Coach, I want that for you.  I want you to tell ‘your’ story.  Tell the world who you are.  Starting with five things gives you a structure to play with – so come on… start with the first one.  You know, the one that you don’t tell anyone.  Remember this is your list – you don’t need to publish it, or tell the world (like me…) it’s for you, about you, for you.

Remember its the total sum of parts that make you you; all your five that makes it you.  Each item may be similar to others – but the whole of you is unique – all of your parts together – there is NO ONE LIKE YOU.

Enjoy it.  You are all yours to enjoy!

Have a great day,

Kerry, Your Coach

Oh I am getting rather excited. The time is nearing. The boys are working hard and I can’t wait to share the new and real me with you all…!

4 thoughts on “Five Things That Set YOU Apart From Everyone Else”

  1. Great post Kerry. I’m comfortable with who I am but do recognise the ‘who does she think she is’ scenario. I’ve had the odd look/comment now and then.

    I’ve found that being myself is the only person I can be. Nobody else fits me quite the way I do. And that’s the way I like it. Jan

    1. I find it tough too. Since my rebranding I am having a better time of it though. Seeing how someone else see’s you is a great thing…so it seems…

      So Jan, who are you?

  2. Gosh not sure how this one slipped through my reading net. Yes love Oprah and love that you have put her more on my radar. Great post. Getting more and more comfortable in my own skin. You’re right we are all unique and all of our experiences make us that way. Thanks for the reminder. Amanda. X

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