Life Lessons Archives - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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Posts in: Life Lessons

Who gets in the nooks and crannies of your life?

December 7, 2020

I love what I do and when I get this kind of testimonial it is wonderful to share it. To enable you to see that no matter what you see what I write about what I do. It is vital for those who I coach to tell you their story. Here is Angela’s story. She […]

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I made a nest…

April 16, 2018

Hello. I made a nest.  I feel quite maternal about this.  A bit like how I imagine mothers make bedding or knitted garments for their children.  It felt great to do it and has made me think how much I like to create something out of scraps of things.  I really like this.  The creative […]

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When you need to become your own mother…

March 23, 2018

Hello. This has become a very real thing for me.  And as I am learning I realise the connection to self love is very attached to how you were mothered.  Or not. My mother’s mother – my maternal grandmother suffered from post natal depression, and was ‘treated’ for years for until she could bear it […]

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When you f**k off your perfection and JFDI!

January 24, 2018

Hello! Guess what I did?  My man and I set up our own ‘show’!  It is rough around the edges, but it is real.  We are going to do this a lot more and we will get better but so far… I love it! It is authentic.  It is human and it is us.   Watch […]

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More LIVE videos for you…

January 11, 2018

Hello, If you are following me on Facebook you will know I do love a live video or two… it is my thing.  I love to share what I know and truth be told I love to be on the screen.  And I know I can get too ‘busy’ to do this.  So.  What I […]

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When your Affirmations Password goes awry…

August 17, 2017

Hello. So here’s a funny story for you.  Over the past few months I have been increasing my self love practices and I decided to change my passwords with some personal affirmations to include ‘I Love you’. So I am reminded every time I unlock my phone or computer to tell myself something lovely about […]

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I am learning to be self reliant…

November 2, 2016

Hello. I know it may sound strange but as the months go by since losing my mum (twenty to be precise) I am learning more and more about myself as her daughter and what it meant for us to be together.  Some of these lessons are pretty uncomfortable for me, but I do feel the […]

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Why do you do what you do?

October 14, 2015

Hello. This is not my usual blog post.  I want to say that from the get go.  It has lessons in it but they are mine.  I shall do my best to keep it as short as I can.  But it may take a while to really get it all out. My life started as […]

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Breath and Believe

July 20, 2015

Hello. I want to be a little braver in telling you how I am coping (and not) with a new phase in my life.  Why?  Because sharing allows me to feel that connection with you and that we are all human.  Even coaches are human.  Yes I inspire, motivate and enthuse people for a living, […]

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A new beginning…

June 4, 2015

Hello, After losing our beloved Lil we agreed we would wait for another dog until after the summer…  Hmmm…  I tried.  But having grown up with dogs, I realised that living without them is just like living without my left leg.  I can still survive but life is so much easier with dog energy.  The happy […]

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