Goals Archives - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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Posts in: Goals

Bullet Journaling will save your sanity!

November 4, 2019

…you get to see what you are procrastinating on and what you really want to be creating. A BIG LIFE LESSON!

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Master your mind for a day…

January 23, 2019

Hello, I get asked to talk more about the mastermind days I do.  How is the year going?  Yesterday was Blue Monday… and this is when the reality of changing patterns can come down to earth. This is when we feel we can’t do it. We can’t change it. It will always be the same. Well […]

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Mastermind with me…

February 9, 2017

Mastermind. I have one and if you are feeling like I can.  Can I suggest you read this and see if you want to play in my space.  A space I create for you to group with other women – seven to be precise ( I do like a bit of precision when it is […]

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Do you EVER play as if your life depends on it?

January 25, 2016

Hello. Funny how this quote has been bandied about a lot in my years in Personal Development and there are times when I do this and I always get results.  But do we ever do this all the time? Let me tell you how last week I created a lot of things that I set […]

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My BIG Turn Off… and on…

July 28, 2015

Hello. I have been turning off recently and I want to tell you about it because I know I need to share what I am learning.  I have turned off because I knew there was something I was missing and with so many distractions I didn’t know what it was. When I started this I had […]

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Is this it?

June 15, 2015

Hello, Do you wonder if this is what you are ‘supposed’ to be doing?  Does that question pop into your head at times?  Why am I here?  Another Monday morning… Well I can tell you with absolute honesty, that when your mind is asking these questions of you… The answer is NO! I know it […]

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May Birthday Madness!

May 1, 2015

Hello! Just a quick post to tell you about my crazy month I have planned.  In the midst of two bank holidays and a real holiday for me I have been set a quest! My mother recently passed away and it makes you stop to think… Am I doing enough to really LIVE? Although I […]

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Are you lonely being you?

June 19, 2014

Hello. First up.  I am training to do my first triathlon.  This was my way of getting myself fit.  The reason being that if I were to do a triathlon I would need to train… I know just bear with me here…  and if I trained I would be fit and this would get me […]

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What is your gamechanger?

March 19, 2014

Hello. I was listening to Radio 4 today – I think it could have been women’s hour and they were discussing the new ‘Gamechanger of the Year’ and it made me think.  What is a game changer for you and your life?  What would it be? Are you looking for a game changer? I listened to […]

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I love Mahooosive goals. Do you?

February 6, 2014

Hello. Until very recently this was not my understanding of myself. It was when we were on our way to ‘jump’ in the sea for our ‘new year’ dip…  yes in the sea in the UK. Why?  Well my understanding was that it was a bit like walking on hot coals,in that if you can […]

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