Mastermind with me... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Mastermind with me…

February 9, 2017

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I have one and if you are feeling like I can.  Can I suggest you read this and see if you want to play in my space.  A space I create for you to group with other women – seven to be precise ( I do like a bit of precision when it is called for… or as I like to call it – intention) and to step into a new space where you know you can take the next steps.

A mastermind is where you get to be a part of a group of like minded women (or men, or both) who are on a similar journey to you.  The intention is for you to utilise the group as a sounding board and a safe space for you to explore how you move forward and to gain the confidence in your growth.

The focus of the my group is alignment and shining in your brilliance…

For this to happen I spend two hours in a ‘Foundation Session’ – a session where we get to pull apart every part of your life and dissect what is and isn’t working for you.  For me this is the foundation of the 90 days we will spend together.  It requires a commitment that we go anywhere and everywhere and nothing is off limits.  If there is an area which is sensitive, this is most likely a key ingredient in taking the steps forward and the responsibility for making the changes desired.

Once we have a solid foundation for what you want and also a solid rapport between us, the group work can begin.  In a secret group you will be asked to give as much as you receive and the benefits will astound you.  A lesson in how to live life to the full.  I encourage everyone to connect with each other and to forge friendships that may last or may not.  But for the 90 days if you can give as much as you can, this will enhance your growth everywhere.

I invite speakers into the group if there is a special need for you all and I also do training sessions on different aspects of how you keep focused in life and creating and living magnificently.

Overall, it is the most fun you can have in 90 days AND change your life.

I love it and so do my clients!

Here is the lovely Kate Ryan

If you have any questions about the next one and your place in it – please do contact me!



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