Mindset Archives - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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Posts in: Mindset


October 10, 2019

Hello, I thought that might grab your attention.  How do we keep our sanity in an ever changing world that spends more and more time lost in a screen and an illusion of ‘you can have it all’. Yes I am a believer in manifesting what you want Yes I do think, if you can […]

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My bravery allows you to live a life you REALLY want…

July 10, 2019

Instead of finding reasons why you may want to work with me, I thought it may be fun to share with you #50brave things that I have done in my life – that adds to the list of reasons why I am the coach to come to when you need someone brave enough to stand up to your mind and ask the questions that you know you need to be able to confront your own fears on living the life you REALLY want.

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Are you waiting for the end…

October 31, 2018

Hello, I have just launched a new product which means I have been all over social media sharing with all of my heart.  How often do you do that? Share with ALL of your heart? I mean this with everything I have.  One of the joys about being your own employer is that you get to […]

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I was hiding and didn’t realise…

December 7, 2017

Hello. It is funny when you see something from a different perspective and for the first time you see your life completely differently.  And from then on you can’t unsee what you have now know to be true. Life change comes from everywhere… So as you know, I have been running a declutter challenge this month […]

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Who’s rules are you living by?

September 16, 2015

Hello! I had a little moment yesterday when my coach reminded me that I could share my periscopes with my blog…  tada!  Oh dear me I am a bit behind when it comes to doing these things…  So I thought I would make that more of a habit for you, so you could see me! […]

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How do you grow?

June 8, 2015

Hello, I am excited.  I realise I say this a lot in my life especially to clients.  If they are up to something that I see they are going to love, I get as excited for them – at times even more so – to encourage the inside reaction to come play on the outside… […]

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Make sure your label is right!

February 17, 2014

Hello, Lesson 1 – Label yourself slow and you will become so. I had got into a pattern when walking to the start chatting to my fellow runners on my Parkrun on saturday (5k run)  I make fun of how slow I am and that I am most likely to be last.  Good creation there! My […]

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Are you ‘trying’ to Lose Weight?

February 25, 2013

Hello. What if losing weight were easy? I know it is a bold statement.  I know because if someone had said that to me a while back when I was eating all I wanted and complaining that some people are ‘just skinny’ and ‘they have lucky genes’ I would have given them one of my […]

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Are You Hoping Your Life Will Change?

June 26, 2012

Hello. My coaching session today reminded me that even the brightest of us still need a reminder to be intentional about what you want to create with our lives. I shall explain some more.  We all get into poor habits that do not support what we want, in fact they really support what we do […]

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GUEST BLOG – Cut Out The Middle Step!

June 21, 2012

Hello. I wanted to share this with you as it got me thinking. I like to read what my colleagues in the coaching world are talking about and this one caught my eye.  Have a  read and see if you too can take out the ‘x’ in your life…  Enjoy! Four years ago, at a […]

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