Tough love Archives - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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Posts in: Tough love

Who gets in the nooks and crannies of your life?

December 7, 2020

I love what I do and when I get this kind of testimonial it is wonderful to share it. To enable you to see that no matter what you see what I write about what I do. It is vital for those who I coach to tell you their story. Here is Angela’s story. She […]

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I am talking to you…

December 10, 2018

Now.  Go and be you.  Shine you fucking arse off will you.  Because you have a space in this mad, mad world and I promise you are brilliant just the way you.

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Do you need to hear some home truths…

December 3, 2018

“Yes, yes I do.  But I am already hurting.  And it is killing me slowly.  Slowly I am not asking a lot of myself anymore… I comply.  I don’ t ask for what I want anymore, because I have compromised so often that I just don’t aim anymore.  I play safe.  I go to the same places, do the same things…  I order the same takeaway!  

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Blink and you will miss it…

September 25, 2018

Hello. There are times when we need a to just stop and look at what we are doing.  Of course I do this when I am coaching.  I am the STOP THAT SH*T will you girl.  It works.  At times and others… not so much… but it is worth it.  I call it being brutally […]

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Are you ‘killing time’?

September 20, 2017

Where do you ‘spend’ your days? Are you ‘killing time’ till you get to do what you really want to do? Do you even know what you REALLY want to be doing or just that you know this IS NOT it? Do you think it will come to you when it is ready?  Or perhaps […]

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Do you paint reindeer on your nails?

November 11, 2015

Hello. I sit here and I write because I need to share.  I want to share with you my love.  My love of life and what we have.  I love what I do and I am in this business or as I like to think of it as the ‘game’ that we call life.  I […]

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What if there were no weekends?

October 2, 2015

Hello! I get the feeling there will be a few who are shouting ‘what the f**k is she talking about?!’ with this one…  I know…  I am feeling a little feisty today! Why am I asking to abolish weekends?  The same reason I tell my clients that do NOT wait for the dream #livelifedaily.  There is […]

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Is Cake Making You Fat?

June 11, 2012

Hello. I know its a funny question but it starts off the ‘blame’ game many of those overweight have.  Some ‘thing’ or ‘one’ to blame.  It’s not my fault I’m…  ______!  I eat because I’m hungry, or because I’m bored, or I just can’t resist food. Why is it that some of my clients, who although […]

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What if you only had a week to live – would you still keep your ‘To Do’ list?

April 16, 2012

Hello! I know it is a trite thing to say, but living in the Western world we get to be greedy… a lot.  We can watch and eat what we like, and have the capacity to ‘do’ what we want with our lives. But this doesn’t necessarily equate to us being proactive in doing what […]

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Are you a conscious or unconscious whiner?

February 2, 2012

If I could coach people on a  few top tips, this one would be at the top, it really would.  Why?  How how much time do you spend either verbally or mentally or whining about your life?  How much time would you free up, and you would then have the mental time and energy to […]

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