I am talking to you... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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I am talking to you…

December 10, 2018

Photo by Sandrachile . on Unsplash

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Sometimes we need to hear a few truths.  As my previous blog   So today I want you to read this to yourself and see what nonsense your mind tells you why these are not true of you.

It is that narrative in you will find truths.  Those which are NOT true at all but we have heard them so often that they feel familiar – like your favourite old snuggly top.  Ugly to anyone else but to you it smells familiar and for that we love it.


Yes you can

You are beautiful

You are amazing

You are wonderful

You are loved

You will

You are

Now.  Go and be you.  Shine you fucking arse off will you.  Because you have a space in this mad, mad world and I promise you are brilliant just the way you.


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