A new beginning... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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A new beginning…

June 4, 2015

photo of schocker puppy

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After losing our beloved Lil we agreed we would wait for another dog until after the summer…  Hmmm…  I tried.  But having grown up with dogs, I realised that living without them is just like living without my left leg.  I can still survive but life is so much easier with dog energy.  The happy face no matter what. The joy in their eyes about doing the simplest things reminds me to do the same.  So ‘we’ agreed.  OK I begged…  No shame in begging for what you want!

Then to decide what do I want?

As with many decisions in life it’s the deciding that takes the time.  The thinking and over thinking what we want.  In our case, what size, breed, age, rescue etc.  So many choices and no real goal, other than one who can love and run…  So I made a list and went contacted rescue centres, who made it clear we were not going to get an adult dog, which I was relieved about but felt the desire to help an unwanted dog…  next time when I do not have little people at face height…

photo of schocker puppySo we found one.  I went to see her last week and she is scrumptious.  We have to wait three weeks to get her and in that time I have decided for and against my decision – should we have waited, perhaps its not the right one, will she be as lovely as our Lil – can any dog ever be as  lovely as Lil?

Mind talk is never ending unless you are busy…

So we wait.  We plan.  I refresh my memory of puppy training and walking and how I will train the children to be with a puppy.  A new beginning…

My curiosity over this new choice in life is how do you decide what you want?  How will I ever know if this is the right decision or not?  I won’t.  But I do know I will give it everything as if it is and time will tell…

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