Is it time you REBRANDED yourself?   - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Is it time you REBRANDED yourself?  

March 4, 2020

Pink with a punch!

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We here at TEAM KERRY… oh look at me… I am jumping in with new big REBRANDING news and here I am forgetting that over the past few months there have been significant changes in my life and business.  So when I was was asked if is it time you REBRANDED yourself?  I realised I want to grow and share more of me…  but to do this, any change… is going to take breathing in and allowing it to happen.

Trusting the process

It all started when I was introduced to the wonder that is Rebecca Martin who made me think more about my ‘brand’.  And it has been through this process, most of it uncomfortable as I am ‘just getting on with it’.  I come from a history working class who have been through tough times and to survive we just do.  Don’t think.  Just do.  Which is a great philosophy but I have learnt through my working in personal development that…

Life can be more than JFDI

Rebranding has made me stop and check in with what is working in the business more and see what do I want to expand on and explore what more I can do with it.  It seems that there is a LOT we can do and it has reminded me to #stayinmylane and also to spot when I am handing out in my #competancy and not my zone of genius.  Having a team who is better than you at stuff is at first threatening… and then once you relax and allow others who you trust to come into your life… it can be such a wild ride…

Kerryisms are now a REAL THING!

So my lessons so far have been that this process has pushed me into areas that I know I want to grow in, and as much as it is uncomfortable I know it will allow me to share more of the real me, of who I am NOW.  My why is stronger now than ever – turning 50 has lots of plusses!  Rebranding makes you look at your WHY’s and see where you havent been honoring them.  Because they change.  As business or your life grows things change, and shift.  This process has made me check in to see if I am happy with what I am doing and what else I can do to create more for me to connect with others…

Is it time you REBRANDED yourself?

If you need help with revisiting you, now is a great time to do just that.  How do I know?  Because you just read this and that tells you something about you.  Change may be uncomfortable but to really LIVE YOUR LIFE… it is essential.



If you want to book a call to talk to me you can do that here or just send us an email and we can start a new conversation with you and who you want to be…

2 thoughts on “Is it time you REBRANDED yourself?  ”

  1. Love this! I have worked as a business consultant in the field of women’s hormone health through the menopause, while I myself was going through the menopause! So many women that I met really lost who they used to be, lost their soul, their careers and their life direction! So many would benefit from support to refund their new identity and what makes them happy.

  2. Beautiful blog. Empty nest syndrome is the paradox of parenthood (you can’t live with them, and definitely cannot live without). But it is a journey defined by immense love, joy, and the bittersweet challenges of letting go. They reflect the unique bond between parent and child, where moments of closeness and nurturing create lifelong memories. Parenting is portrayed as a delicate balance—teaching children independence while cherishing their fleeting youth. This profound connection is celebrated in themes of unconditional love and the selflessness required to prepare children for a life beyond the family nest.

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