Get clearer on what you want - get rid of 'stuff' - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Get clearer on what you want – get rid of ‘stuff’

January 9, 2012

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Get rid of the stuff…

Looking around I am so curious to see how much ‘stuff’ we fill our lives with – and I mean ‘stuff’ – gadgets, TV, computer games, mobile apps, chatting, gossiping…  drinking… things that we often fill our lives with transient value – it does not add any lasting value – nada.  It just uses up some brain power, so it detracts from a life that we cannot lead…  a different life that we need to be focused on to live.

This was me.  I had a great life – to the external viewer – I travelled regularly, I had a good career in the NHS that was on ‘track’ (who’s I am still not sure of…) and yet there was always something missing.  I didn’t want for money or time but I wanted something more.  Something that meant I had a reason for being here and that wasnt just because I was good at something, or I could earn money it meant I had a reason.

To get there, to that space, it takes time and most of all ‘courage’.  Oh and a shed load of desperation. Sorry about the last bit, I wish I could say it would be easy, simple, ‘just follow these ten steps’ but that really isn’t true.

You have to be desperate enough to say I am done with this and really want something else more than what you currently have.

Do you want to start? How desperate are you?  Life can be pretty comfortable…

Take on one
I want to suggest to you that if you decided to take on one of your distractions and replaced it with a action orientated task that is on your list of ‘wants’ in life.   Oh… back up…

Make a list of ‘Stuff that detracts me from living my life’
Now… just take one.  That is it.  Just one.  Don’t over do it please!  Just one.  Be it  playing a game on your app, or noticing you gossiping, or moaning about life, whining, getting drunk to de-stress… the list is yours to own…

I want to hear from you about what you decided to do and what the impact was – just a week.

Have a great week,

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