Testimonials - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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I would recommend Kerry
a million times over


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Read what people create from working with me

I feel happier in my own skin, feel a new respect and confidence in my skill set and am often told I look well and seem happier.


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Working with Kerry is like the brutal honesty of your daughter peering through a magnifying glass at the sprouting hairs on your chin whilst giving you a ginormous hug full of love.


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I didn’t just get to declutter – I got to understand several of the deep & hidden reasons why I gather clutter in the first place and find it so difficult to get rid of it. Which is life changing.


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If you are looking for someone to be in your corner no matter what, Kerry is the coach for you. I say corner, but actually I should say in your cosmos because her reach is deep.

Sarah P

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Kerry is everything you need and everything you would wish a life coach to be…


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The two hour motivational (Shift the Shit)  call got rather emotional then something shifted within me.  I realized that I was gifted and could make a difference if I stopped living in and blaming my past and stopped making compromises . I took back control of my life and started making some positive changes.


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It’s quick, it’s dirty and it WORKS.

If you get the opportunity to work with this woman, DO IT!


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Concrete results…
I see my children
Change in attitude and outlook
Leaving the corporate world
Complete change in career – one in which I love


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I feel inspired and energised with a renewed sense of focus, clarity and even the beginnings of believing that I am capable of achieving things in my life again. I don’t want the course to end! 


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I am feeling a sense of inner peace and I’m becoming more focused on creating the life and future that I want.  I now realise that I am my own expert, but the insight and support from both Kerry and other group members is proving invaluable…


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So after 6 months, I actually love myself and don’t feel selfish for it. My family have seen the difference, it’s a work in progress, but I’m excited to go forward now rather than analyse too much of the past. Everyone has it in them to be great, Kerry just helps you find it.


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So if you are looking for a coach that will hold you 100% accountable, even when you are resistant to the change you know must happen for the sake of living a much more fulfilled life, then Kerry is the coach for you.

Kate – Mastermind

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Coaching with Kerry is a phenomenal experience, one in which I will never forget… I would recommend Kerry a million times over.


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It was clear that Kerry genuinely cared and was able to provide the perfect balance of challenge and compassion. If you want to make some changes in your life and are struggling with follow through on a consistent basis, I think Kerry will really help you!


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Since my kick ass coaching session… am on a roll now, thanks Kerry. If you haven’t had a session with her yet, you really should asap, she rocks!


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This woman is magic. Seriously. She asked questions that nobody else would. She called me on my bullshit. She politely suggested I occasionally stop talking long enough to listen… Thank you for showing me what life coaching is. I’m excited for the future now.


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It was the smack in the face I needed to bring me back into a state of consciousness about my life, to take control of my life and navigate my way back to MY path… You were the person that was the difference that made the difference in my life.


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Kerry’s ruthlessness has allowed me to look at my life differently once again! Personally I find her work particularly valuable and worthwhile around self-confidence, decision making and goal setting and highly recommend it to anyone willing to do things differently.

Group Coaching

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Positive, charismatic, realistic… a speaker they enjoyed listening to and someone who does not take herself too seriously

Speaking Engagement

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Kerry is brilliant at getting you back on track and looking at what is important to you. She has an amazing capacity to get past all the BS, can assist you to get more clarity about what it is you want to create.


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Kerry is the compass that you need to find your true North Star!


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I would definitely recommend Kerry’s coaching style, it certainly had a positive effect on my situation, and I can happily say that since then I have just one job (most of the time!) and plenty of free time for the other things that I love


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Kerry helped me examine my career goals and dreams and what really makes me happy! The journey is not yet over but in the course of our conversations I have identified the ‘me’ that was trying to get out!


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I sort of knew where I wanted to get to in a couple of areas but I couldn’t quite see how to move from where I was towards where I wanted to be.


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I am less stressed about the state of my oven and more excited about doing the things I want to do! The time spent talking to Kerry was enlightening and most definitely worthwhile.


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Have you ever had a day where you felt like you were walking on air… if you want that day to be everyday talk to Kerry!  Change your life for the better!


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Sound good judgement and common sense.  Makes you visit the parts of you that usually you cannot reach.


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I can thank YOU for helping me making my life the way it is now.  Helping me realize my potential and encouraging me, and kicking me in the bum at times-if not physically, verbally!


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After only a couple of sessions, life is more refreshing and business is good.  It is like having a reboot. Thanks Kerry, it’s great to have you as part of my brain trust!


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Kerry brought a natural ability for coaching and a very harmonious coaching style. She has a great sense of humor and lots of positive energy. She is very generous and I could feel her enthusing me from the other side of the planet!


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I felt it physically and it was very liberating: the days that followed were full of energy and synchronicities… I am very thankful to Kerry for that “reunification” of scattered parts of my deeper self…


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This may not sound like much but it was obviously what I needed because I am happier, stronger and satisfied. Kerry is a down to earth, no frills kind of coach and I would advise anyone to see her, no matter how big or small their dilemma.


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After four sessions I feel more serene and at peace with myself. It’s a long process and I am sure I will have crisis again, but when those come, I will remember Kerry’s words and move on.  Thank you Kerry! I have learned a lot about myself and will now work on myself to improve my life.


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a powerful technique taught by Kerry through gentle positive interaction that can change the life of anyone looking for greater happiness and fulfilment


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Anything is achievable and, having set up the Mid Sussex Wood Recycling Project, I would like to express my thanks to Kerry for the help she gave me in getting there.


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Kerry keeps you focused on your goals, even the little ones. It is all too easy to lose sight of your dreams when you are bogged down in the day to day living. And she will make you look for the FUN in your life.

Angela Squires

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