Webinar high... and after a high comes... - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Webinar high… and after a high comes…

January 29, 2016


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Well I did it.  I actually did my first webinar!  Sounds very simple when you say it like that but believe me, just the technical side alone is enough to put you off… and it did for at least six months for me… connect this to that, so you can market and capture emails and then this so you can record and this so you can send updates and then a different list to the others and then the test doesn’t work…  grrrrr I tell ya it is a test of endurance…

Working for yourself is a test of endurance…

It really is.  Being employed you don’t have to do that bit.  When you are not feeling 100% it is ok, because you can have a day when you are not really pushing it… and that’s acceptable, or lets just say you are not going to get fired for a day.  When you work for ‘her’ ‘the toughest boss ever’ – she NEVER sleeps – her mind is always working and if you are slacking she is not happy.  She is there… Er… hello… where are my clients?  Where are my opt-ins?  Where is the webinar infor?  Where is the brilliant post that shares me everywhere, that tells everyone what you want to say? Where… where… where…

It never stops…

Unless.  You do.  Unless you say I need a break.  I need to have some time for me and that is going to be TODAY.  Today it is ok for me to take some time and no one will suffer.  No one will be there tapping their keyboard saying ‘well where is my post that changes my life today Kerry?’…  it just doesnt happen like that.

Back to the webinar…

It was great.  It really was.  Some people couldn’t get on.  So I have sent them the link to the recording and I shall use the webinar for people to really get a feel for what I do… I learnt that doing it takes it out of me and the next day I shall take the morning off… I shall take the time to recoup and just be.  But overall.  I loved it.  I know I can do this and it takes strength and persistence and energy and there are times when I just don’t have them.  But this is always temporary.  Nothing stays the same.

Tomorrow I shall do better – because today I learnt and I shall always keep learning…

Love to you all,


Here is the link for the webinar – for you with love…  enjoy!

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