Where are you being sloppy? - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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Where are you being sloppy?

January 23, 2012

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Where can you clean up?

Oh the shame of it.  The utter shame.  Here I sit writing and cringing at the same time….  why? I have just sat and ‘started’ my accounts. Started.  For this year.  It has taken me four months to do this from September when life changed.  I know I needed better accounting systems, of course I knew… but did I do it?  Nope.  Why?  Oh the reasons I have are long and… well as detailed as you like…  So my question to you today is what are you hiding away for a day when the sun is just right, and the time is perfect and you are just the right weight and your hair looks fab and the world is just groovy…

What are you waiting for?  The reason I ask you, what could well be an inane (horror of horrors) question is this – there is a reason behind it!  Until you take it on – you won’t see it.  You won’t.

The lesson is – what great things will you discover about you in taking on the thing that you are avoiding doing?  How different will it actually be to what you ‘think’ it will be?

Go on  – take it on this week!  I did and it shifted so many things for me.

Have a great week but also enjoy the YEAR OF THE DRAGON!  Should be dramatic!

Cash Flow Evenings are here!

Tuesday 7th February 7-9pm at the Horsebridge Community Arts Centre in Whitstable.

If you live in Kent please do come along – we are going to have fun learning about money and how to make it work for you…  The evening is all about the game called Cash Flow – it does exactly what it says on the tin.  If you are sitting reading this and thinking what is she on about this time… I don’t have any spare money… I don’t want to ‘play’ with my money I worked hard for it…  or all of the above…

Well this is the game for you.  It is a reflective game that Robert Kiyosaki developed when he realised that reading books does not always ensure people do what they read.  So this game gets you to actually play it for real and see how you react, and learn where your money narrative takes you.

If you don’t live in Kent and want to play please let me know as we can get games together in Hertfordshire if that would work.

Thats me for this week…

Till next time, have fun!

1 thought on “Where are you being sloppy?”

  1. Actually difficult to find knowledgeable individuals with this matter, nevertheless, you be understood as you no doubt know exactly what you are referring to! Thanks

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