What lessons can you learn from a burpee challenge? - Kerry Hales - Life Coach

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What lessons can you learn from a burpee challenge?

October 9, 2015

burpee challenge

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burpee challengeIt is day 24 of my self imposed burpee challenge.  Why am I doing this?  Lots of things have happened this year and I have been stripped from many excuses about not living MY life.  To be more specific, not living my life to the full, or resisting the urge to settle for a mediocre life.  Before I had children I did vast amounts of personal development work and when the boys came into our lives it took time to adjust and to find a secure footing.  I settled.

Now they are of an age where we are not so beholden to physically managing them, I have a little more time to spend on me and what I want.  This is also the perfect time for me to review my life.

So when Frank (my man) started to talk more about different ways of getting fit and the mindset to do this, he found Sparten and the love of burpees.

Hmmm…  could this be my ‘wonderbullet’ for my reviewed body?

I wondered about this and then it came to 100 days before Xmas… so my new challenge was born.  By adding one a day I would get to 100 on the big day.  Simple eh?

Well the first few days were relatively simple – I just added them into my routine.  Now we are on day 24 move over kettlebells!  I write the daily number on my journal and every day I know I have to do this.  Every day it takes determination and belief that I will do this and yes it is hard, but as the weeks go by I am getting muscles and I don’t flap around as much.

I recently reworked some of my old beliefs about my life with my coach and am finding them subtly but clearly changing my life.  In case you haven’t looked at yours recently – do it.  Take the time to check to see what you believe to be true about your life.  Just take stock and see what you believe becomes your reality.

I had realised I had an ‘old ladies’ body and I even had old ladies knickers in my underwear drawer…

So things have changed and I decided that I needed a challenge and here we are three weeks in.  Every day I watch as my mind gets engaged in the ‘why not’s’ in the ‘you don’t need to do this today’, the ‘just catch up tomorrow’, the ‘no one will notice if you don’t do it’…  sound familiar?

Then I realised.  These are my standard excuses that I tell myself about EVERYTHING.  I do this about my business, my health, my relationship… every thing.  But because this is such a simple task.  It takes minutes to do – no time excuse.  It needs no equipment – nothing.  I just need to do it and keep doing it.  No matter what my mind tells me.  I could not run.  I have no where to hide from this.  I am able.  I have time.  It is just a silly challenge but what it gives me is so much more.

I realised that life is very simple.  When we overcomplicate it, it is generally because we are running from something.

I refuse to run anymore…  unless its a muddy one… but that’s Sunday’s challenge…

Thank you again and again for being with me on my journey…

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