Welcome to the Kerry Hales blog
Hello! This week is proving to teach me lessons about my life being beyond my control… Oh and that’s such an easy lesson for me. It makes life pretty incomfortable. Then this quote flew past my desk and I had to chill out a bit… Hopefully it will do the same for you? “I’m not […]
Read MoreGet rid of the stuff… Looking around I am so curious to see how much ‘stuff’ we fill our lives with – and I mean ‘stuff’ – gadgets, TV, computer games, mobile apps, chatting, gossiping… drinking… things that we often fill our lives with transient value – it does not add any lasting value – […]
Read MoreHow much do you ‘trust’ you? I recently heard the words ‘trust herself’ put to me in such a way that I really had to stop and think whether I was doing just that? What do you trust yourselves for? What can you trust yourself to do? I realised that it is now my time […]
Read MoreMy goal is reach as many people as I can to assist them in living a full life – one that utilises all of them and gets them happy. To do this I need to expand my profile. How would you start this? I figured I would contact all the people I know and ask […]
Read MoreI’m on a mission. In fact I feel we are all missions; our reason for being here… Mine is to support people like you and me to live their life – full out! So, when I get a testimonial from my clients I do check to see if what I think I’m doing is actually […]
Read MoreI want to ask you something that plagues me… how difficult do you think it is to follow a dream? 5, ten, hundred times as hard? Take a minute to see firstly what would you do, now what would you really do… where would you start, how much do you still need to learn, how […]
Read MoreIt may sound strange to say but no one cares what you do, but you. Just you. I came to this realisation this week when I was having difficulty in explaining to some ‘ears’ about what I wanted and they were more interested in telling me about their flu jab… It came as a shock. […]
Read MoreWho are you? YOU! That was the question I sought to answer. I studied. I searched many, many things… when I found them enabled me to see that that wasn’t what I really wanted in the first place… So, I carried on doing what I did and got what I had always got – not […]
Read MoreAt last I am me. At last I can say that and be myself. At last I can shout as loud as I want and care less if people like me or not. At last I am clear on how I can share my gift to the world. At last I have finally shifted the […]
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