The Coach's Blog - Page 2 of 11 - Kerry Hales - Life Coach
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Welcome to the Kerry Hales blog

I am talking to you…

December 10, 2018

Now.  Go and be you.  Shine you fucking arse off will you.  Because you have a space in this mad, mad world and I promise you are brilliant just the way you.

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Do you need to hear some home truths…

December 3, 2018

“Yes, yes I do.  But I am already hurting.  And it is killing me slowly.  Slowly I am not asking a lot of myself anymore… I comply.  I don’ t ask for what I want anymore, because I have compromised so often that I just don’t aim anymore.  I play safe.  I go to the same places, do the same things…  I order the same takeaway!  

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Are you waiting for the end…

October 31, 2018

Hello, I have just launched a new product which means I have been all over social media sharing with all of my heart.  How often do you do that? Share with ALL of your heart? I mean this with everything I have.  One of the joys about being your own employer is that you get to […]

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Blink and you will miss it…

September 25, 2018

Hello. There are times when we need a to just stop and look at what we are doing.  Of course I do this when I am coaching.  I am the STOP THAT SH*T will you girl.  It works.  At times and others… not so much… but it is worth it.  I call it being brutally […]

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Why bother with a coach at all…

September 18, 2018

Hello, I wanted to talk about this more.  Why get a coach when there are so many ways you can find what you are looking for for free, watch a video, download a PDF, sign up for a free class…  When I spoke to a client earlier this week about what a coach does, I […]

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Do you need a REBOOT?

August 15, 2018

Hello! Where has this year gone?  I cannot believe I am in the midst of August with the summer in full flow…  I hope yours is going well – and for those of you who live on the other side… the winter is going well too!  The summer is all about camping and getting up […]

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I made a nest…

April 16, 2018

Hello. I made a nest.  I feel quite maternal about this.  A bit like how I imagine mothers make bedding or knitted garments for their children.  It felt great to do it and has made me think how much I like to create something out of scraps of things.  I really like this.  The creative […]

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When you need to become your own mother…

March 23, 2018

Hello. This has become a very real thing for me.  And as I am learning I realise the connection to self love is very attached to how you were mothered.  Or not. My mother’s mother – my maternal grandmother suffered from post natal depression, and was ‘treated’ for years for until she could bear it […]

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Why I run my business my way…

February 7, 2018

Hello. I am in a Blogfest!  I know it sounds exciting doesn’ it!  I do love a blog, but I really love a group of inspired women and I feel very privileged to say that Judith was the business coach who gave me some brilliant blog knowhow many years ago in a blogging challenge!  In […]

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When you f**k off your perfection and JFDI!

January 24, 2018

Hello! Guess what I did?  My man and I set up our own ‘show’!  It is rough around the edges, but it is real.  We are going to do this a lot more and we will get better but so far… I love it! It is authentic.  It is human and it is us.   Watch […]

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