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Welcome to the Kerry Hales blog

More LIVE videos for you…

January 11, 2018

Hello, If you are following me on Facebook you will know I do love a live video or two… it is my thing.  I love to share what I know and truth be told I love to be on the screen.  And I know I can get too ‘busy’ to do this.  So.  What I […]

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5 ways to get you into your groove for 2018

January 5, 2018

Hello. Happy New Year to you all.  It feels like this was a long time away for me this year – my children had an extra long holiday and I therefore took time away from you to reconnect with my family and business.  Some parts worked and some did not.  In fact towards the end […]

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I was hiding and didn’t realise…

December 7, 2017

Hello. It is funny when you see something from a different perspective and for the first time you see your life completely differently.  And from then on you can’t unsee what you have now know to be true. Life change comes from everywhere… So as you know, I have been running a declutter challenge this month […]

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Decluttering and Me…

November 27, 2017

Hello. This last week I have been mostly sorting out the ‘back office’ of my new declutter challenge.  The irony of the ‘clutter’ in my day attaching one ‘system’ to another, and then realising I had left off a very important part… the payment…  made me chuckle and cringe in equal parts. Isn’t decluttering about […]

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Why I am blogging…

November 23, 2017

Hello. Why is not a question I spend much time on in my business.  Finding a why is as much help in most incidences as searching for a memory to support your current reasoning… but as this was a task set – and there are times when I do feel like following orders… not often… […]

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Are you ‘killing time’?

September 20, 2017

Where do you ‘spend’ your days? Are you ‘killing time’ till you get to do what you really want to do? Do you even know what you REALLY want to be doing or just that you know this IS NOT it? Do you think it will come to you when it is ready?  Or perhaps […]

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When your Affirmations Password goes awry…

August 17, 2017

Hello. So here’s a funny story for you.  Over the past few months I have been increasing my self love practices and I decided to change my passwords with some personal affirmations to include ‘I Love you’. So I am reminded every time I unlock my phone or computer to tell myself something lovely about […]

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Have you written off ‘me’ time in the school holidays?

July 31, 2017

Hello. It is the summer here in the UK and this usually means I am swapping time with my man and we get through with each of us doing a few days and then spending the time together.  I guess that is the brilliance of having your own business.  It is a given that this […]

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I was scrolling looking for something out there…

June 1, 2017

Hello, There are things we search for and spend time on that we love and enjoy and these in turn enhance our lives.  Many of them.  And to each of us these are very personal, yet we can get swept away with external influences and soon they become our ‘norm’. Today I want to talk […]

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Water. Start with water…

May 21, 2017

Hello. I was just writing up in my journal this morning about how many ‘ideas’ we have rolling around in our head and sometimes it feels like they are just waiting for their time to get to come out to play.  Maybe that’s right and maybe that’s just stuff rolling around as thoughts that we […]

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